How to become a Plus Size Model
6 Tipps to Boost your Carrer

Working as a plus size model can be a fulfilling and exciting career. Although the fashion world has progressed in recent years, plus size models are still underrepresented. But this is slowly changing and more and more fashion labels are focusing on diversity and inclusion. If you dream of becoming a plus size model, you should follow these tips.
Tip 1: The right photos to start with
The first step to working as a plus size model is to take good photos. The photos are so-called "polas" that serve as the basis for your sedcard. Polas are simple, unadorned and unretouched photos that show your appearance and proportions. Here are some tips on how to create polas for your sedcard:
- Use a good camera and make sure you have enough light.
- Stand in front of a white wall to have a neutral background.
- Wear figure-hugging clothes or underwear to show your proportions.
- Show different poses and expressions in the photos to demonstrate your versatility.
- Create both full body and portrait photos.
- Take the photos from different angles to show different perspectives.
Photos by Anna Shvest
Tip 2: Comp Card for plus size models
A Comp Card is an important tool for any model to give potential clients and agencies an overview of your skills and appearance. It is a kind of business card that contains all the important information and a selection of your best photos. A Comp Card should contain the following information:
- Your name, contact information and measurements
- Your experience and skills as a model
- A selection of your best photos, including polas and professional photos from shoots
It is advisable to create two different sedcards. One with polas that you will use at the beginning of your career and one with professional photos that you can use later in your career.
Here you can create your plus size model comp card >
Tip 3: Apply to Plus Size Model Agencies
In this day and age, there are numerous ways to apply to model agencies. In addition to the classic application by mail or personal introduction at the casting, there is also the option to apply by email or online form. Social media such as Instagram in particular have gained in importance in recent years. Many agencies have created their own scouting hashtags through which they search for new talent. So when you present yourself on Instagram, be sure to use the right hashtags to be found by agencies.
To simplify the application process and save time, it is recommended to search for reputable modeling agencies in your city. To do this, you can simply Google terms like "model agency plus size + your city". Then, once you have found a suitable agency, you should find out about their application process and carry it out carefully.
Tip: Use our 75 free model scouting hashtags to get yourself featured on Instagram and discovered by modeling agencies. With the right use of hashtags and a convincing presentation of your personality and talent, you have a good chance of being approached by an agency.
If you are interested in more tips on how to apply to modeling agencies, we recommend you to get detailed information on the internet or inquire directly at an agency. With commitment and a positive attitude, you have a good chance of being successful as a plus size model.
Tip 4: Modelbook for Plus Size Models
The model book is a professional companion to the sedcard, which can be very useful at castings or when applying to model agencies. In contrast to the Composite Card, you can present a larger number of photos and different poses in your Modelbook, which shows a broader spectrum of your skills. In addition, the pictures are printed in A4 format, which makes them easier to look at and leaves an impressive impression.
It is advisable to go for the original model book, which is used by leading modeling agencies. The black photo album is specially designed to present the pictures in a high-quality way and nothing distracts from your photos due to the black separator pages in each slide. With us you can purchase your own model book without agency branding. With this neutral version, you can apply to clients independently of a specific agency and present your photos at the highest level.
Overall, the modelbook can help you stand out from other applicants and look professional. It is a worthwhile investment for your modeling career and can help you increase your chances of getting successful assignments.
If you don't have a modelbook yet, you can order your Modelbook here >
Tip 5: Posing tips for plus size models
As a model, you should not only be able to convince with a good appearance, but also with the right poses. However, learning the right technique requires practice and discipline. During TFP photo shoots, which are based on reciprocity, you can gain experience as a plussize model and improve your skills. Practicing poses and developing your own personality in front of the camera can prove to be extremely helpful. Studying posing on online platforms like Pinterest, YouTube or Instagram can also inspire you and help you develop new ideas. If you want to delve deeper into the topic of "posing", we recommend our posing book, in which you will find many useful tips and techniques especially for curvy models. Because a confident appearance and the perfect pose can make all the difference and set you apart from other models.
Tip 6: Dont give up
As an aspiring plus size model or even as an established model, you will certainly have to accept one or two rejections on your way to success. This is simply part of the model business and should not discourage you. On the contrary: use every rejection as motivation to become even better. If you continue to work hard and constantly develop yourself, you will soon be rewarded.
An important factor for your success is your motivation. If you really want to work as a model, you should always believe in your dream and not be discouraged by setbacks. It can be helpful to set yourself small intermediate goals and to reach them step by step. This will help you keep track of your progress.
It is also important to keep working on your skills. Practice poses in front of the mirror, work on your expression and expand your network. Over time, you'll notice your skills improve and more opportunities will open up. Never lose faith in yourself and stay motivated - then you will be successful.